Landon Thornton

What is Spadework?

Spadework, embodies a special type of labor, one that precedes the common visible efforts of the individuals struggle towards greatness. Where there is any significant endeavor, there exists an indispensable need for this groundwork. This preparatory toil, this arduous yet pivotal processes of learning, meticulous planning, and the tireless preparation for the forthcoming work is what differentiates successful execution from blundering failure.

It can be likened to the unearthed trenches and footings dug out in preparation for a strong foundation and the grand building that lay afoot—the indispensable groundwork that ensures the stability of all subsequent actions. Despite its intrinsic significance, spadework often dwells in the shadows, veiled by its lack of immediate glamour or recognition. It is neglected by the challenge to quantify its relevance from the more forward facing parts of the project.

Regrettably, in the pursuit of allure or the hunger for recognition, the significance of spadework frequently gets sidelined or simply truncated for more quantifiable actions. Yet, its absence or neglect jeopardizes the stability and strength necessary for any lasting work.

My Commitment

This site is my personal commitment to never neglect the spadework, to always do what is required, and to never dodge the difficult tasks. At present and in the future, this will entail a continuous pursuit for a greater understanding and knowledge of the tools, technology, and ideas that power our ever more advanced lives. This is my commitment to a life full of learning, experimenting, and doing.

About Me

My name is Landon Thornton, I am a data scientist & financial analyst. I have two bachelor degrees one in finance and another computer information systems and an accompanying certificate in data analytics from The University of Texas at Tyler.

I am an avid runner and amateur triathlete, I find equal enjoyment in peaceful, solitary runs along dirt roads as I do in the thrilling anticipation of a fast-paced race, surrounded by 25 runners, anxiously awaiting the sharp sound of the starting pistol on an eight-lane track in the swelter of a Texas summer.

When I’m not in Rstudio or running on the roads or through the forest I like to work with my hands, woodworking, metal working or even the occasional dumpster dive (A habit I picked up as a broke college student).